簡介:Miserly Ebenezer Scrooge learns the error of his ways through the intervention of the ghost of his former partner and of three spirits in this faithfu
簡介:阿斯利是一位年輕的母親,生完孩子不久的她努力想要尋找一位保姆,好讓自己重返職場。最終她遇到了古爾尼哈爾,同樣是一位年輕的母親。隨著古爾尼哈爾走進她的生活,阿斯利開始面對自己一直在逃避的秘密?! sli, a young mother who is trying to find a nanny t
簡介:Marple is extremely proud when she is appointed to the board of trustees of a merchant marine training vessel whose mission is to rehabilitate young c
簡介:作為兩對相處了十余年的朋友,莎利(朱迪·戴維斯 Judy Davis 飾)和杰克(西德尼·波拉克 Sydney Pollack 飾)之間的和平分手讓加貝(伍迪·艾倫 Woody Allen 飾)和朱迪(米亞·法羅 Mia Farrow 飾)夫婦感到不可思議。當(dāng)看見杰克迅速的另結(jié)新歡之后,原本心平氣和
簡介:Les habitants d’une tour de cité découvrent un matin qu’un voile noir obstrue toutes les fenêtres et la porte d’entrée de l’immeuble. Un voile noir qu