簡介: Just before Christmas, Lee Leander is caught shoplifting. It is her third offense. She is prosecuted by John Sargent. He postpones the trial because
簡介: On their wedding night, Bob reveals to Betty that he has purchased an abandoned chicken farm. Betty struggles to adapt to their new rural lifestyle,
簡介:C. C. Baxter(杰克·萊蒙 Jack Lemmon飾)是紐約一個大公司的小職員,他的單身公寓經常被公司的高層們用去當作幽會的場所,Baxter也因此獲得不少升遷的機會。Baxter暗戀著公司的電梯女郎Fran Kubelik(雪莉·麥克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 飾),這天他終
簡介:Walter Neff(弗萊德·麥克莫瑞 Fred MacMurray 飾)是一個成功的保險代理人,他在夜里回到辦公室,開始在一個錄音機上訴說他的故事......Neff為了取得Dietrichson先生的保險代理權,來到了他的家中,Dietrichson先生不在,Neff遇到了Dietrichs