簡介:杰克(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 飾)曾是一名電臺主持人,一次意外中,他的不當言辭導(dǎo)致了了一個名為埃德溫(克里斯蒂安·克萊門松 Christian Clemenson 飾)的男人精神崩潰舉槍亂射,釀成了多人傷亡的慘痛后果,心中充滿內(nèi)疚和痛苦的杰克從此陷入了人生的低谷無法自拔。 杰克結(jié)識
簡介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot
簡介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot
簡介:Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot